
5 simple things ladies do that guys love

Most guys are often clueless why they like a particular lady so much and same can be said for some ladies who don’t know exactly why they keep getting all the attention from men around them.

We would like to share with you a list of some of the things ladies do that men love and always want to be around you.

1. Text him when you’re out with your friends

Men always wonder what they are girlfriends are up to when they are not around them with some even getting jealous when ladies go out with their friends. Some ladies will text their partners just saying “hello” or checking up on them. It will most definitely make him smile and know that you are still thinking about him even not around.

2. Laying your head on his chest

One of the best feelings is when you lay your head on his chest and your hands around him when on the couch watching TV or on bed. This feeling makes men not just know that you feel protected around them but also trust them and are comfortable whenever you are with him.

3. The way you get scared

Most often men are surprised by the fact that women can be so strong about whatever is happening to them or around them yet they are scared over little things like cockroaches, spiders and even the dark. He is more than happy to kill that insect for you or walk you to the washroom because it’s dark. Men have that feeling that they are able to step up and be strong for you.

4. The way you sleep

If your man loves you, trust me he will most definitely watch you while you sleep and all he can do is smile. This is because we all look peaceful when we sleep but it doesn’t always mean you look charming or gorgeous when you sleep. Some people drool or snore or open their mouths when they sleep but if he loves you , he will always love the way you sleep.

5. The random things you do without realizing

It may be the way you play with your hair or your mood while in the kitchen or the way you dress up. It might sound weird and strange but he is in love with all that from you and you can sure about them because if he didn’t like it, he will find it irritating or complain about it. He doesn’t only put up with your “sometimes-insane” behaviour but he actually likes it.


Written by Marchisio Boateng

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