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GHANA: COVID-19 positive woman escapes from quarantine


An individual who tested positive for the novel coronavirus has escaped from the compound they were kept in at Tamale. The escapee is on of the Coronavirus positive patients from Guinea.

Salifu Saeed,  the Northern Regional Minister said the patient had scaled over the wall of the property while leaving behind her belongings. He also said, the security personnel are on a manhunt for her.

“Since yesterday, up till this morning, I have not slept with my security people,” Mr. Saeed was noted to have said in a statement to the media.

Unconfirmed reports indicate that the patient has been found and held in a community near the town of Kumbungu.

The arrest was said to have been done by community members who later informed the police.
Authorities are yet to confirm the strange incident.


Written by Afia Ohemeng

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