It’s the end of the week and time for the best type of s3x. Weekend s3x! When you have enough time, when you get do it in the afternoon, when you get to relax and eat a pizza or fufu afterwards. It’s a time to relax or experiment, whatever tickles your fancy.
1. Sofa Brace

How To Do It: It’s great, because it’s the same doggy style you know and love just with your upper half braced against a sofa. You can use a hand for clit play and separate your legs more or less to play with the pressure.
2. Standing

How To Do It: Spread your legs as much as you need to and bend over as he enters you from behind. Try different angles — and don’t be afraid to use lube or even stand on something to even out the height.
3. Reclining
How To Do It: One partner rests on their back while the other sits on their heels in between your legs. Then use fingers, hands, or try a toy. (Just make sure to switch at some point — fair is fair).
4. Reverse Cowgirl

How To Do It: Straddle your partner facing their feet and slowly lower yourself down. Then, brace yourself with your hands — you can be pitched forward or back, whatever feels comfortable. Or use a hand for some clit play.
5. Legs Up Missionary

How To Do It: Start in regular missionary, then either you or your partner starts moving your legs up onto their shoulders. It’s a really intense position — in a great way — but move slow, especially if you’re not flexible.
6. In A Chair

How To Do It: Have your partner sit in a chair facing you, before you straddle them and lower yourself down. For a twist, you can also face away from them and try the same thing.
7. Modified Doggy

How To Do It: Either start in doggy and collapse onto your forearms or start laying on your stomach with a pillow under your hips. Then your partner should lay on top and enter you from behind.
Now go enjoy your weekend!