
Carlos Ahenkora resigns after COVID-19 postive test

The Deputy Trade Minister, Carlos Kingsley Ahenkorah has resigned Friday after he breached Covid-19 protocols.

In a statement from the presidency, president Nana Akufo-Addo acknowledged accepting the Tema West MP’s resignation from office with immediate effect.

Mr Carlos Ahenkorah admitted on Asempa FM Thursday that he visited voter registration centres with full knowledge that he had tested positive for Covid-19

The Deputy Minister told the host he sees nothing wrong with his actions.

Defending his conduct Mr Ahenokorah, claimed that he adhered to all the social distancing and health protocols, implying that he did not put anyone at risk.

He said he felt he needed to show up in a public place with his Covid-19 status because he didn’t want his constituents to speculate on his absence at the start of the voter registration exercise.

Meanwhile, president Akufo-Addo is “admonishing all of his appointees to bear in mind that they are to provide leadership, at all times, for adherence to the protocols that have been established to help the nation defeat COVID-19.”

In accepting the resignation, the president recognises that Mr Ahenkorah has acted honourably in the circumstances by resigning his office, and wishes him well.



Written by Afia Ohemeng

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