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Consent 101

Sex without consent is rape
Remember that rape happens to all kinds of people regardless of gender and sexuality. Most reported cases are female. There has been a rise in the number of male cases.

What is consent?

 The ability and freedom to agree to sexual activity
Sex without consent is rape
Make sure you can confirm verbally and from the other person’s body language that they are truly into it.
A drunk person does not have the needed capacity to give consent. Neither does anyone high on drugs. Consent cannot be given in sleep or while the person is unconscious.
Having the capacity means the individual understands the impact of their decisions.
A person with a learning disability or mental injury may not check all these boxes.
If they cannot do this they cannot give consent.
Consent can be withdrawn anytime. You must stop all sexual activity once consent is withdrawn.

Consent – how to get it

If you’re the one seeking to engage in any act, you’re responsible for getting consent.
Ask yourself if the other person is capable of giving consent.
People who are asleep or drunk cannot choose
Those with mental disabilities may not have the capacity to consent.
You can confirm if you have consent by checking the other person’s body language and by asking them.
Always check every you begin a new type of sexual activity. Keep checking to make sure they are okay and do not feel pressured to respond in the affirmative.
If their responses do not seem genuine, stop.
A clear affirmative freely-given “yes” indicates consent.
Source: ConsentIsEverything

Written by Afia Ohemeng

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