
COVID-19: Police storm KNUST SHS following death of student

Armed police were brought in on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, to restore order on the KNUST Senior High School campus after students of the school went on a demonstration over the death of one of their colleagues.

The school authorities have been accused of not attending to the student, who complained of a stomach upset during the day. According to the students, out of fear that the boy was suspected to have contracted Covid-19, he was left unattended, and in the care of his colleagues for nearly three hours.

Videos captured by some students of the KNUST SHS show the deceased holding on to some of his colleagues for support and groaning in pain .

According to Luv FM’s Erastus Asare Donkor, the student later died at a health facility.

News of the death of the business student sent the students on a rampage in the school; pelting stones and breaking the windscreen of a saloon car, alleged to be that of the headmistress of the school.

“We were demonstrating because yesterday one of our mates was sick and he was left to his fate to survive on his own because of the fear of coronavirus. Nobody attended to him.

“He was ill, he wasn’t showing any signs since morning but later in the afternoon around 3 o’clock he started vomiting because he had some stomach ache,” one student recounted.

“Then we rushed him to the classroom blocks but it seems the teachers were only waiting for his parents to come so that they could take him to the hospital. He was there for close to three hours before his dad came to pick him up.”

According to the students, had the school’s authorities acted promptly, the boy’s life would have been saved.

School authorities were not immediately available for comment.


Written by Afia Ohemeng

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