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Loves me,Loves Me Not.

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Women complain about how men are bottled up. Men on the other hand say women are not as expressive as they would like to believe. If you’ve been with a guy for a while and you’re spending productive hours wondering if he really loves you or not, these 8 signs are here to help you figure it all out.

1. He ALWAYS puts his phone away.
Any and every time he’s with you, nothing else can move his dopey eyes from you. Even if you are talking about adding a gallon of palm oil to your garifotor recipe, his attention is unwavering. You know you have hit the jackpot when he puts you above his games and football matches.

2. He sends meaningless messages.
Trust me, the cornier the message, the more he is into you. Sometimes he will send a text about his mother’s cat or even how he can no longer eat two balls of banku. He may just be texting you even though he has nothing much to say. If he hasn’t fallen in love with you yet, he is definitely on his way to.

You know you’ve hit the jackpot when he puts you above his games and football matches.

3. He gets you presents.
He doesn’t just give you anything. He gets you that perfume you always wanted or some doughnuts from your favorite place just so he can watch you do your food dance. The gifts he gets you show how much he pays attention to you and what you like.


4. He is constantly showing you off.
When he is head over heels in love with you, there’s no place he would not want to be with you. Even when you are not around, he is constantly talking about you and all your great qualities.


5. Your phone calls are longer than the Great Wall of China.
I know my call time goes through the roof when I am talking to all my friends. My brothers on the other hand rarely rake up 10 minutes on the phone unless they are on the phone with their girlfriends. When he has a conversation with you that lasts a great long wonderful time, just know he is the one.


6. He makes sacrifices.
Alexa play Alicia Keys-A woman’s worth.
When he is willing to skip things which are important to him just to be with you in your time of need, it’s definitely a sign of him being truly in love.


7. His friends like you.
The moment his friends start taking you seriously, you know your relationship is on another level. His friends will certainly remember little things about you like how you are lactose intolerant. They will also be willing to hit you up when they need advice on what to get their girlfriends.


8. He wants your advice on his look(s).
It might be a stereotype but I choose to believe men will not even do their laundry if they did not want to impress. If he calls or asks about your opinion on his clothes or his haircut, it is just a sign that he cares about looking nice for you. He might even wear things you got for him more often because he trusts your judgment.


Written by Afia Ohemeng

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