
Manhunt For ‘Wee’ Planters

The Eastern Regional Police Command has kickstarted a manhunt in a bid to find owners of a five-acre Indian hemp plantation. The plantation is located at Anum Apapamu.


Acting on the information from the Drug Law Enforcement Unit, police personnel were deployed from the Regional Police Headquarters. They embarked on a dawn operation and managed to destroy the plantation.



Despite the raid, no arrests have been made yet. Deputy Eastern Regional Police Public Relations Officer, Sergeant Francis Gormado indicated to CitiNews that the command has begun investigations with the intention of apprehending all persons behind the illegal act.

“Actually, we were trying to get the faceless people behind the whole thing. Yesterday when we got there, we tried our best to get the perpetrators but we couldn’t get them. But looking at stage of the crop, we need to be proactive so that the crop does not leave the farm to the market. It will be difficult to control it at that level. So, what we did yesterday was that, we actually destroyed the entire farm which is about five acres of Indian Hemp  but we are still pursuing the owners of the farm. When we get them, they will face the full rigors of the law,” he said.

Hemp Advocates have been calling for the legalization of the plant. They believe decriminalizing a plant found in nature would improve the economic status of the country.

By-products of the the plant can be used as fuel, paper and fertilizer amongst other things.


Written by Afia Ohemeng

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