Controversial mid- morning show host, Nana Romeo is receiving some bashing from social media users and music industry players alike. The Accra FM host, Nana Romeo hosted Rufftown Records artiste Wendy Shay who is on a music tour. A video of their interview shows Nana asking some pretty wild questions about Wendy’s alleged relationship with her manager Bullet.
The video was met with a lot of negative reactions from social media users and industry professionals who called Nana Romeo for consistently being unprofessional.
Afia Fabregaz, a Kingdom FM sports presenter, has also decided to stand up for Wendy Shay. According to her, Nana Romeo’s decision to interview his guests on their sexual lifestyle is hypocritical since he allegedly does worse.
While on the drivetime show with Fiifi Pratt, she dared Nana Romeo to deny his supposed love proposal to Afia Fabregaz some time ago.
Watch the video below: