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Wife of Ghanaian MP Plans To Leak His Nudes.

Facebook is a social pot where people share their experiences in their work life, home, church and even relationships.

Social media has provided people with a sense of unanimity they never truly had before. This has enabled pages where people share their problems to be dissected by other users boom in popularity.

One such case which captured the attention of Dizropt had to do with a woman who was grieving her husband’s infidelity. Following the steps of many before her, she let out her grievances to Facebook user David Papa Bonze.

Dizropt gathered from their conversation that, the cheating husband is a civil servant. Apparently, the man is a Member of Parliament who has a sidechick that he finances using resources from the Common Fund.

In the screenshots below, the woman indicates how she plans on ruining her husband’s career with a sextape she got from her private investigator. The grieving wife commented on how easily she could poison her husband and later play the emotional widow.


This woman’s experience/story should be a warning to other partners who are joyfully cheating. Assuming that our significant others do not know what we are doing may actually help in digging the grave faster for some.


Written by Afia Ohemeng

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