Newsflash… the vagina is designed to stretch sooo much. I mean, a whole ‘nother person can pass through it. That being said, an erect penis should be able to fit easily. The vaginal canal measures 3.7 inches on an average. But when there’s a sexual arousal thingy going on, it gets waaayyyy longer and bigger.
1) It is too big.
Apart from your jeans that may not fit , a penis surprisingly can be too big to fit into a vagina. Apparently, the situation is very rare. There are some blessed men who have packages bursting at the seams and these said packages can wreak havoc in some delicate lady parts.
What to do: Explore positions that put you in control so you can control just how much you take and when you take it. Tailoring your sex life to your needs makes the experience nicer for everyone.
2) Age vs Package
In your younger years i.e 20s, 30s, and 40s, your estrogen levels are pretty high and that keeps your vagina tissues very supple. That translates to more expansion and less sensitivity.
But once the menopause train hits, the body’s estrogen output plummets. An average or even larger penis might have a tough time time fitting in without causing pain and friction since there is less natural lubrication. This results in a very uncomfortable and painful situation.

What to do: We recommend menopausal women speak to their ob-gyn who might recommend some estrogen cream and lube.

3. Maybe your vagina is really small.
So yes, as awesome as vaginas are, some can be small. If you happen to wear an xs/extra small in vagina sizes have a small vagina, some penises might just not fit.

What to do: Extra extra foreplay definitely helps. The more aroused you are, the more lubricated you get. If you’re nervous, store-bought lube will make all the difference. Try to avoid scented and flavored ones as they can mess up the ph levels of your delicate lady parts.
Now that you’re armed with all this information…